Community Plugin List
BRAT Beta Manifest Usage
The percentage of plugins that have a BRAT beta manifest.
Package Manager Usage
The distribution of package managers used in plugins. The package manager is determined by the presence of a lockfile in the plugin repository.
Code Bundler Usage
The distribution of code bundlers used in plugins. The bundler is determined by the presence of dependencies in the plugins package.json
Developer Tooling Usage
The distribution of developer tooling used in plugins.
Testing Framework Usage
The distribution of testing frameworks used in plugins. The testing frameworks usage is determined by the presence of dependencies in the plugins package.json
1817 (83.73%) plugins use no testing framework.
Frontend Framework Usage
The distribution of frontend frameworks used in plugins. The frontend frameworks usage is determined by the presence of dependencies in the plugins package.json
1824 (84.06%) plugins use no frontend framework.
Most Used Dependencies
This table shows direct dependencies of all plugins, sorted by how many plugins use them. Dependencies with less than one percent usage are not shown.
Name | Usage Count | Usage Percentage |
obsidian | 2111 | 97.28% |
typescript | 2079 | 95.81% |
tslib | 2028 | 93.46% |
@types/node | 2025 | 93.32% |
esbuild | 1733 | 79.86% |
builtin-modules | 1719 | 79.22% |
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin | 1687 | 77.74% |
@typescript-eslint/parser | 1684 | 77.60% |
eslint | 411 | 18.94% |
prettier | 330 | 15.21% |
@rollup/plugin-node-resolve | 315 | 14.52% |
rollup | 315 | 14.52% |
@rollup/plugin-commonjs | 313 | 14.42% |
@rollup/plugin-typescript | 309 | 14.24% |
jest | 257 | 11.84% |
@types/jest | 229 | 10.55% |
ts-jest | 224 | 10.32% |
react | 184 | 8.48% |
react-dom | 183 | 8.43% |
@types/react-dom | 182 | 8.39% |
@types/react | 175 | 8.06% |
@codemirror/view | 171 | 7.88% |
@codemirror/language | 152 | 7.00% |
@codemirror/state | 146 | 6.73% |
svelte | 136 | 6.27% |
svelte-preprocess | 128 | 5.90% |
@tsconfig/svelte | 127 | 5.85% |
@popperjs/core | 124 | 5.71% |
eslint-config-prettier | 118 | 5.44% |
monkey-around | 110 | 5.07% |
esbuild-svelte | 95 | 4.38% |
ts-node | 94 | 4.33% |
dotenv | 94 | 4.33% |
husky | 90 | 4.15% |
moment | 82 | 3.78% |
eslint-plugin-import | 77 | 3.55% |
lodash | 72 | 3.32% |
eslint-plugin-prettier | 71 | 3.27% |
@types/lodash | 70 | 3.23% |
uuid | 68 | 3.13% |
sass | 67 | 3.09% |
obsidian-daily-notes-interface | 65 | 3.00% |
obsidian-dataview | 64 | 2.95% |
vitest | 63 | 2.90% |
svelte-check | 62 | 2.86% |
rollup-plugin-copy | 61 | 2.81% |
standard-version | 60 | 2.76% |
typescript-eslint | 58 | 2.67% |
openai | 58 | 2.67% |
@types/uuid | 56 | 2.58% |
esbuild-sass-plugin | 55 | 2.53% |
jest-environment-jsdom | 52 | 2.40% |
@biomejs/biome | 51 | 2.35% |
axios | 51 | 2.35% |
@eslint/js | 50 | 2.30% |
electron | 47 | 2.17% |
vite | 47 | 2.17% |
lint-staged | 46 | 2.12% |
@rollup/plugin-json | 45 | 2.07% |
@babel/preset-env | 45 | 2.07% |
codemirror | 43 | 1.98% |
@babel/preset-typescript | 40 | 1.84% |
yaml | 39 | 1.80% |
esbuild-plugin-copy | 38 | 1.75% |
obsidian-typings | 38 | 1.75% |
@babel/core | 38 | 1.75% |
cross-env | 37 | 1.71% |
js-yaml | 36 | 1.66% |
postcss | 35 | 1.61% |
nanoid | 34 | 1.57% |
@types/js-yaml | 34 | 1.57% |
luxon | 34 | 1.57% |
@types/luxon | 34 | 1.57% |
eslint-plugin-react | 34 | 1.57% |
babel-jest | 34 | 1.57% |
@codemirror/commands | 34 | 1.57% |
globals | 33 | 1.52% |
lucide-react | 32 | 1.47% |
semver | 31 | 1.43% |
tailwindcss | 31 | 1.43% |
jsdom | 30 | 1.38% |
prettier-plugin-svelte | 30 | 1.38% |
@codemirror/search | 30 | 1.38% |
zod | 29 | 1.34% |
ts-loader | 29 | 1.34% |
i18next | 28 | 1.29% |
obsidian-plugin-cli | 28 | 1.29% |
@rollup/plugin-replace | 27 | 1.24% |
crypto-js | 26 | 1.20% |
fs-extra | 26 | 1.20% |
fuse.js | 25 | 1.15% |
rollup-plugin-svelte | 24 | 1.11% |
autoprefixer | 24 | 1.11% |
webpack-cli | 24 | 1.11% |
eslint-plugin-react-hooks | 23 | 1.06% |
cz-conventional-changelog | 23 | 1.06% |
@lezer/common | 23 | 1.06% |
eslint-plugin-svelte | 23 | 1.06% |
webpack | 23 | 1.06% |
@jest/globals | 23 | 1.06% |
eslint-plugin-promise | 22 | 1.01% |
jszip | 22 | 1.01% |
eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort | 22 | 1.01% |