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Community Plugin List

BRAT Beta Manifest Usage

The percentage of plugins that have a BRAT beta manifest.


Package Manager Usage

The distribution of package managers used in plugins. The package manager is determined by the presence of a lockfile in the plugin repository.

Code Bundler Usage

The distribution of code bundlers used in plugins. The bundler is determined by the presence of dependencies in the plugins package.json.

Developer Tooling Usage

The distribution of developer tooling used in plugins.

Testing Framework Usage

The distribution of testing frameworks used in plugins. The testing frameworks usage is determined by the presence of dependencies in the plugins package.json.

1817 (83.73%) plugins use no testing framework.

Frontend Framework Usage

The distribution of frontend frameworks used in plugins. The frontend frameworks usage is determined by the presence of dependencies in the plugins package.json.

1824 (84.06%) plugins use no frontend framework.

Most Used Dependencies

This table shows direct dependencies of all plugins, sorted by how many plugins use them. Dependencies with less than one percent usage are not shown.

Name Usage Count Usage Percentage
obsidian 2111 97.28%
typescript 2079 95.81%
tslib 2028 93.46%
@types/node 2025 93.32%
esbuild 1733 79.86%
builtin-modules 1719 79.22%
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin 1687 77.74%
@typescript-eslint/parser 1684 77.60%
eslint 411 18.94%
prettier 330 15.21%
@rollup/plugin-node-resolve 315 14.52%
rollup 315 14.52%
@rollup/plugin-commonjs 313 14.42%
@rollup/plugin-typescript 309 14.24%
jest 257 11.84%
@types/jest 229 10.55%
ts-jest 224 10.32%
react 184 8.48%
react-dom 183 8.43%
@types/react-dom 182 8.39%
@types/react 175 8.06%
@codemirror/view 171 7.88%
@codemirror/language 152 7.00%
@codemirror/state 146 6.73%
svelte 136 6.27%
svelte-preprocess 128 5.90%
@tsconfig/svelte 127 5.85%
@popperjs/core 124 5.71%
eslint-config-prettier 118 5.44%
monkey-around 110 5.07%
esbuild-svelte 95 4.38%
ts-node 94 4.33%
dotenv 94 4.33%
husky 90 4.15%
moment 82 3.78%
eslint-plugin-import 77 3.55%
lodash 72 3.32%
eslint-plugin-prettier 71 3.27%
@types/lodash 70 3.23%
uuid 68 3.13%
sass 67 3.09%
obsidian-daily-notes-interface 65 3.00%
obsidian-dataview 64 2.95%
vitest 63 2.90%
svelte-check 62 2.86%
rollup-plugin-copy 61 2.81%
standard-version 60 2.76%
typescript-eslint 58 2.67%
openai 58 2.67%
@types/uuid 56 2.58%
esbuild-sass-plugin 55 2.53%
jest-environment-jsdom 52 2.40%
@biomejs/biome 51 2.35%
axios 51 2.35%
@eslint/js 50 2.30%
electron 47 2.17%
vite 47 2.17%
lint-staged 46 2.12%
@rollup/plugin-json 45 2.07%
@babel/preset-env 45 2.07%
codemirror 43 1.98%
@babel/preset-typescript 40 1.84%
yaml 39 1.80%
esbuild-plugin-copy 38 1.75%
obsidian-typings 38 1.75%
@babel/core 38 1.75%
cross-env 37 1.71%
js-yaml 36 1.66%
postcss 35 1.61%
nanoid 34 1.57%
@types/js-yaml 34 1.57%
luxon 34 1.57%
@types/luxon 34 1.57%
eslint-plugin-react 34 1.57%
babel-jest 34 1.57%
@codemirror/commands 34 1.57%
globals 33 1.52%
lucide-react 32 1.47%
semver 31 1.43%
tailwindcss 31 1.43%
jsdom 30 1.38%
prettier-plugin-svelte 30 1.38%
@codemirror/search 30 1.38%
zod 29 1.34%
ts-loader 29 1.34%
i18next 28 1.29%
obsidian-plugin-cli 28 1.29%
@rollup/plugin-replace 27 1.24%
crypto-js 26 1.20%
fs-extra 26 1.20%
fuse.js 25 1.15%
rollup-plugin-svelte 24 1.11%
autoprefixer 24 1.11%
webpack-cli 24 1.11%
eslint-plugin-react-hooks 23 1.06%
cz-conventional-changelog 23 1.06%
@lezer/common 23 1.06%
eslint-plugin-svelte 23 1.06%
webpack 23 1.06%
@jest/globals 23 1.06%
eslint-plugin-promise 22 1.01%
jszip 22 1.01%
eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort 22 1.01%