landing page

Moritz Jung

Software, Art and TTRPG Content
Check out my work

About Me

Hi, my name Moritz Jung. I am from Germany and I am currently studying computer science.

My Coding Projects

This is a list of my featured project. You can find a list of all my projects here. Also feel free to take a look at my GitHub account.

JS Engine

A way to run JavaScript from within your obsidian notes using markdown codeblocks.

Lemons Theme

A clean, rounded, borderless and monospace theme for

Media DB Plugin

A plugin that can query multiple APIs for movies, series, anime, games, music and wiki articles, and import them into your vault.

Meta Bind Plugin

A plugin for Obsidian that can create input fields inside your notes and bind them to metadata fields.

Obsidian Stats

View Stats for the Obsidian Eco-System.


ParsiNOM is a modern, optimized and typesafe parser combinator library.

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My Art

Here you can see some of my artwork.
Tools I use include: Blender, GIMP and my own Fractal Rendering Engine.

Swirly Julia 3D

Swirly Julia 3D

A part of the cut open three dimensional Julia fractal
White Lines

White Lines

Abstract white lines flowing through red-tinted terrain
Spiky Landscape

Spiky Landscape

A bizarre spiky and purple landscape
Wave Cube

Wave Cube

A strange alien like cube


A render of the Mandelbulb fractal
Julia 3D

Julia 3D

A cut open three dimensional Julia fractal
Red Lines

Red Lines

Layered wavy red lines
Floating Hexagons

Floating Hexagons

Mysterious hexagons floating above a bright white plane
Crystal Pillars

Crystal Pillars

Two crystal pillars touching, in light and dark


A modern Vase design