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Input Field Templates

Templates allow you to reuse input fields across your vault. You can specify them in the plugins settings.

Using Templates

First, we need to create a template in the plugin settings. Let’s create a template for a slider as follows.

Template NameTemplate String
sliderTemplateINPUT[slider(addLabels, minValue(0), maxValue(10))]

Notice that the template is not bound to any metadata.

To use the template, we open a note and write the following.


Here, overrides may consist of an input field type, arguments and a bind target. It can also be empty if you don’t want to override anything from the template.

For example, if we want to use the sliderTemplate for some rating we have in frontmatter, we would write:


We have set templateName to sliderTemplate (telling meta-bind to use the template we created earlier), and in the overrides we bind the input field to the frontmatter property rating.