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Meta Bind API

Meta Bind offers a JavaScript API that allows you to interact with the Meta Bind internals via JavaScript.

Documentation for the API can be found here.


To use the API you need some way to execute JavaScript. This can be done with another plugin like JS Engine or Dataview.

Before you can use the API, you need to get a reference to it. This can be done via first getting an instance to the loaded Meta Bind plugin and then getting the API from it.

// First we get an instance of the Meta Bind plugin, then we access the API.
// If the plugin is not loaded, this will return `undefined`.
const mb = engine.getPlugin('obsidian-meta-bind-plugin')?.api;
// Optional: Handle the case where the plugin is not loaded.
if (!mb) {
// ...
// Now we can use the API!

Lifecycle Management

Lifecycle management is very important when working with the Meta Bind API. You need to make sure that you clean up after yourself to prevent memory leaks and other bugs.

Most things that need lifecycle managment inherit from Mountable, which has a mount and unmount method. If you call mount, you need to call unmount at some point.

The API provides a helper function called wrapInMDRC that can be used to handle the lifecycle of a mountable object for you.

// Create a mountable object.
const mountable = ...;
// Mount the mountable via the helper function.
// `container` is the parent HTMLElement that the mountable should be mounted to.
// `component` is an Obsidian `Component` object.
mb.wrapInMDRC(mountable, container, component);

In the background this will create a MarkdownRenderChild which mounts and unmounts the mountable on load and unload respectivly and then registers that MarkdownRenderChild as a child of the component.

You can also handle the lifecycle yourself by mounting the mountable to the DOM and then registering a callback to unmount it when the component is destroyed.

// Create a mountable object.
const mountable = ...;
// Mount the mountable to the DOM.
// Register a callback to unmount the mountable when the component is destroyed.
component.register(() => mountable.unmount());



Creating a button via the API.

// First we get an instance of the Meta Bind plugin, then we access the API.
const mb = app.plugins.getPlugin('obsidian-meta-bind-plugin')?.api;
// We create a button configuration object.
const buttonConfig = {
label: 'Greet the World',
style: 'primary',
action: {
type: 'inlineJS',
code: "console.log('Hello World!');",
// We specify the button options.
const buttonOptions = {
declaration: buttonConfig,
isPreview: false,
// We create the button. This will return something that inherits from `Mountable` and can be mounted to the DOM.
const button = mb.createButtonMountable(context.file.path, buttonOptions);
// Mount the button to the DOM and make sure it gets unmounted when the component is destroyed.
mb.wrapInMDRC(button, container, component);

If you are daring you can skipt the intermediate objects.

// First we get an instance of the Meta Bind plugin, then we access the API.
const mb = app.plugins.getPlugin('obsidian-meta-bind-plugin')?.api;
// We create the button. This will return something that inherits from `Mountable` and can be mounted to the DOM.
const button = mb.createButtonMountable(context.file.path, {
// the button options
declaration: {
// the button config
label: 'Greet the World',
style: 'primary',
action: {
type: 'inlineJS',
code: "console.log('Hello World!');",
isPreview: false,
// Mount the button to the DOM and make sure it gets unmounted when the component is destroyed.
mb.wrapInMDRC(button, container, component);

Input Fields

Creating an input field via the API.

const mb = engine.getPlugin('obsidian-meta-bind-plugin').api;
const primeNumberBound = 200;
* A function to calculate prime numbers up to a given bound.
function calculatePrimeNumbers(bound) {
const primeNumbers = [2];
for (let i = 3; i <= bound; i++) {
let halfI = i / 2;
for (const p of primeNumbers) {
if (p > halfI) {
if (i % p === 0) {
return primeNumbers;
// Create the input field declaration with the bind target and arguments.
const declaration = {
inputFieldType: 'suggester',
bindTarget: mb.createBindTarget('frontmatter', context.file.path, ['favoritePrime']),
arguments: calculatePrimeNumbers(primeNumberBound).map(x => {
return {
name: 'option',
value: [x.toString()],
// Create the input field options.
const options = {
declaration: declaration,
renderChildType: 'block',
// Create the input field.
const inputField = mb.createInputFieldMountable(context.file.path, options);
// Mount the input field to the DOM and make sure it gets unmounted when the component is destroyed.
mb.wrapInMDRC(inputField, container, component);